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Introducing Liquid Light

The world is waking up to molecular hydrogen,

Its therapeutic power is undeniable, and its movement in the world is taking momentum, becoming unstoppable.


There are currently more than +3000 scientific studies which demonstrate the spectacular healing power of molecular hydrogen, and its contribution in turning over serious diseases, restoring health and regenerating supreme wellness.

It’s also becoming famous for its powerful Anti-Aging effects.


Although water naturally contains hydrogen, it's actually the Molecular Hydrogen (H2) that is responsible for the body's Hydration.

Welcome to the Hydrogen Revolution!

Hydration is key to Health.
Hydrogen is the the key to Hydration

One of the least understood factors of wellness is Hydration. And it has the most power to unlock all of the other key components of wellness.


It turns out that hydration doesn’t simply mean drinking water.

Due to the pollution of our environment - the amount of toxins and contaminants in the air, the soil and water - the natural water cycle that in the past has naturally produced H2, is broken. Leaving us with water that is very poor, broken and vitality-less, which is also lacking... guess what...? H2....

The Ultimate Human Experience

CellPower bottle by LumiVitae is not just a hydrogen bottle, it is an “Earth in a bottle”.
This cutting edge technology creates Hydrogen rich water that is in perfect ratio to the body’s optimal hydration.


How do we know this?


Because the inventor, Nuno Nina, used his 20 years of research in his private clinics (in which he has treated more than 70,000 people) to find this perfect ratio of 5 different properties of water, making them the best water you could possible drink.

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Geometry & Light

Hydrogen literally activates more light in your body.

Water is nature's transmitter of light and consciousness from the source-field, the zero-point field, the unified field (however you want to call it) - to biology.


Hydrogen is the molecule that structures the geometry of water in a crystalline structure, allowing the water in your body in their 4th plasma state to become a high frequency light conductor. This Is why we call the LumiVitae hydrogen water -
“Liquid Light”.

Once you drink it, you feel it.

Nuno Nina's genious

the Cellpower technology incorporates Nuno Nina's expertise in frequency medicine.

The lid of the bottle is actually a frequency machine that charges the water with healing frequencies. You can also charge raw foods with it!


The base of the bottle incorporates a magnet that calibrates the water to Earth’s Schumann resonance, making the water very grounding and regulating for the nervous system.


These super unique additions make this an intelligent healing device, that strengthens your electro-magnetic field, and helps you feel much more alive, vibrant, centered, calm, joyful, creative and abundant.


You become Empowered and Grounded as Your biology comes online with your Divine essence.

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Ready for your Hydrogen experience?

order your Cellpower Hydrogen bottle now 

My H2 testimony

My H2 testimony

After 7 months of drinking hydrogen, the biggest WOW I'm experiencing, along with incredible physical benefits and symptoms lifting , is a shedding of a subtle unconscious victim mentality. A freedom to be who I am. ************************************************* Get your Liquid Light vessel here: ************************************************** On the biological level, what I sense is happening is that there's a healing / balancing of oxidative stress in my cells that inhibited (for decades) my authentic expression and led me to identify with an identity of someone who is suffering in this world For more than 20 years, I really tried to heal . I copied behaviors that seemed to be making others free and happy I imitated what appeared is vital and real; I worked on my issues so so much. But still I felt locked, trapped, sad and unseen (of course I was unseen because I didn’t see myself), So much pain and so much trauma (also generational and collective) was held in my system . But enough light has been lit within me - through the hydrogen bonds that transmit more light into my system, that I’ve cultivated enough awareness to let go of a heavy, stubborn and old layer of identity that was wrapped within these pains, In more simple words - I’ve healed my depression. And now I’m more here for myself to live my authentic life , To explore what I love and what I want To connect with others in simplicity (it’s a Huge relief) And pursue my vision Of also Lighting up the world. I believe the the LumiVitae vessel is here to support humanity in these crucial and challenging times of new consciousness emerging from the chaotic state we are in. I believe that pain is actually a door to pleasure , when we tap into it directly, softly and lovingly . It’s an access for rebirth. The network of light that the hydrogen is creating within my cells allowed the assembly point of my awareness to shift from the old patterning of pain = victim, into the new one of pain = a doorway to ground my awareness in my body, therefore being a vessel of transformation, paving the way to my freedom . As above so below As within so without May My personal healing journey Reflect this new potential of healthy mental and emotional living into the collective field of humanity May more and more people connect with their inner treasure which is their inner pathways of light which are connected or actually embedded in the whole . May humanity learn the power of loving awareness to transform darkness into light . We are here for this. Each one in our unique way. Together we rise. Get your Liquid Light vessel here: and more info:

Ready for your Hydrogen experience?

order your Cellpower Hydrogen bottle now 

The best network marketing product currently in the world

Practically, LumiVitae is making it so easy not only to get your body the best quality water your body is literally thirsty for, but to also join this revolution in the making, and create an abundant evergreen income stream in this exponentially expanding market.

As as you purchase this Liquid Light for yourself and your family, you get to also share this magic with your community, your clients, your loved ones - and receive genrous financial compensation.


Hydrogen is a consciousness,

It wants to be moved through people

Because our presence, our light, our magic play a huge role in raising people's awareness and showing them a better life that is possible for them,

A Much Better Life. In such a Simple way, as drinking the right water.


Choose You


Choose to be a co-creating force in this marvellous health and wealth movement!

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​Now is the perfect time...

The biohacking industry is about to boom with the coming out of the “Biohack Yourself” documentary in December 2024, that is featuring world experts along with our own Lumivitae CEO Taryn Lee and one of the board of education members Carrie Drinkwine.

It is intended to receive 500 MILLION viewers!! YES! this is going to e put biohacking on the map, and our water bottle is going to be famous :)!!


If you are into being ahead of the masses,

If you know what is good,

Know how to lead your life from the inside out -

You are going to want to be part of this strong momentum, where we get to introduce the most simple and most effective healing technology.


People anyways drink water to survive

They can start drinking water to Thrive.


This is what Hydrogen is all about. 

There is so much more to share about

The Science

Why H2 is considered the "God molecule" due to its ability to clear inflammation and oxidative stress. Check out the science on Molecular Hydrogen here

The Community

The Amazing community of heart-centred health professionals, spiritual leaders, soul-led entrepreneurs, water stewardess, financial wizards, and brilliant minds that are part of this movement. Ask me, I'll be happy to tell!

The Gate of Expansions &Wealth

A most simple and natural financial model -share with your network!


This is a chance to impact so many,

To activate a network of light,

An opportunity to step into this game changing environment that is setting new standards not only in the health sphere, but also in the realm of leadership, mastery and wealth, guiding and supporting you to create abundant income streams through activating your unique power and singular magic.

Join the H2 Revolution

become part of this grand wave of expanding Wellness, Wealth and Light.

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